CLASSIFICATION: Strongly day-neutral variety, with productive behavior similar to Albion. Intermediate plant size, with a higher soil temperature requirement for its establishment (greater than 12°C)
FLOWERING: Induction occurs under conditions of intermediate temperatures (20-25°C) and with low response to the photoperiod (daily hours of light). To define the planting time, the most relevant factor is the ambient temperature and humidity. Under this condition, the variety presents a very stable production curve throughout the season (similar to var. Albion), as long as soil temperatures do not drop below 12°C.
FRUITING: Fruits of homogeneous calibers, external medium red color and pulp. Very bright fruits. High pulp firmness and adequate concentration of sugars. It is very important to manage an adequate balance of Potassium (K)/Calcium (Ca), to maintain the condition of the fruits. The peduncles (fruit stems) are long, which facilitates the harvesting process.
PLANTING TIME: Establish with ambient temperatures between 12-25°C, in periods with low incidence of rainfall in the first 60 days of crop growth.
SANITARY MANAGEMENT: Variety with intermediate tolerance to Oidium (Similar to Albion). Greater sensitivity to leaf blight (Phomopsis spp.), therefore it is important to establish the crop under the recommended climatic conditions. Greater tolerance to soil diseases (Fusarium, Rhyzoctonia).
IRRIGATION: Variety with a higher irrigation requirement, it is very important to achieve good soil preparation to achieve adequate drainage and free from compaction. In out-of-ground crops, it requires high porosity substrates, with good aeration.
FERTILIZATION: The fertilization program must be differentiated into two periods:
1) Plant Growth or Development (Decorona Induction)
2) Fruit Production (Set and filling).
It is important to partialize the program in at least 3 applications per week. The ideal condition is achieved by adding fertilizers in all irrigations, in this way the plant will achieve a better balance in the fertigation solution and greater absorption of the elements.
The electrical conductivity (EC) at the time of production (fructification), should not exceed 1.2 dS/m to achieve an adequate filling of the fruits.