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CLASSIFICATION: Early Short Day variety, which anticipates its production in approximately 15 to 20 days compared to Camarosa. Intermediate plant size, with good initial vigour.
FLOWERING: Induction occurs in conditions of intermediate temperatures (10-15°C) and with few hours of daily light (less than 12 hours), therefore it is very important to comply with the recommended planting dates. Under this response, production is mainly concentrated in two periods:
1) First production : From spring to the beginning of summer
2) Second production: From late summer to early fall.
Fruits of homogeneous calibers, external medium red color and pulp. Adequate firmness and sugar/acidity ratio. It is very important to manage an adequate balance of Potassium (K) / Calcium (Ca), to maintain firmness of the fruits. The peduncles are long, which facilitates the harvesting process.
Variety has an adequate productive response in two establishment periods: Summer, as a refrigerated plant. Autumn, as a fresh plant.
In both cases, planting must be done early. It is very important to respect the above to achieve an adequate response in flowering.
Variety with intermediate tolerance to Oidium. It is important to carry out preventive control from the end of spring, when the temperatures of the period rise above 25°C.
Due to its precocity in production, it is very important to carry out timely management of irrigation. It has a deep root, therefore the time and frequency must be varied to achieve an adequate filling of the fruits.

The fertilization program must be differentiated into two periods:
1) Growth or Development of plants (Induction and crowns)
2) Fruit Production (Set and filling).
It is important to partialize the program in at least 3 applications per week. The ideal condition is achieved by adding fertilizers in all irrigations, in this way the plant will achieve a better balance in the fertigation solution and greater absorption of the elements.
The electrical conductivity (EC) at the time of production (fructification), should not exceed 1.2 dS/m to achieve an adequate filling of the fruits.
Variety with potential for early production, with good-sized fruits and adequate post-harvest. It presents an adequate condition of initial fruit set (first fruits), even in the presence of low ambient temperatures. To achieve stability of the production curve throughout the crop cycle, it is suggested to complement this variety with a day-neutral planting, such as the Monterey or Albion variety.