Moderately neutral variety, with greater response to the photoperiod. It presents a more marked production peak than the Albion variety.
With potential for cultivation both in soil and in semi-hydroponics.
Market: Very good aptitude for the fresh market since it is the variety that presents the largest size and homogeneity of fruits, with a good aptitude for the agroindustry (frozen).
Plant: Intermediate size, with rapid initial vegetative growth, so it must be planted with adequate temperatures (above 12°C in the soil), so as not to present excess vegetative growth, which could delay the start of production.
Management: Avoid ammonium sources in nitrogen fertilization, so it is recommended to prefer nitrates. Avoid bottom amendments with manure or chicken manure. To maintain fruit firmness, make permanent contributions of foliar calcium in the production stage.
Fruit: Even external red color and lighter pulp. It presents an adequate maturation and color of fruits in periods of low temperatures (autumn-spring).
Fruit with adequate firmness in autumn-spring production. In the warmer months, carry out adequate fertilization and irrigation management to maintain fruit firmness.
Diseases and pests: In general, it is the variety that has shown the greatest resistance to diseases (mainly to powdery mildew) and the best tolerance to the fungal complex.
Planting density: 62,000 plants/Ha (27 cm between plants).
Yield potential: 78 Ton/Ha. (agricultural season of 9 months).